Safely Returning to Activities After Time-Off


“Too much, too soon, after too little for too long.” – Scot Morrison This quote perfectly sums up a large majority of the injuries that we see asphysiotherapists. Whether we were forced to take a break from our activities (likein our current circumstances), or we tend to only do activities during certain times of the […]

Avoid Injury – Load Up Your Tendons!


Many of us are mourning the loss of our activities during this pandemic.  Golf courses, gyms, pools, tennis courts, hockey rinks have all been closed and we are eagerly awaiting their reopening.  We are finding ways to adapt to our new normal with masks, social distancing and zoom meetings.  But how are our tendons adapting…. And will […]

Healthy Gardening Tips

Physio Victoria Gardening

It’s gardening season and with many of us spending more time at homedue to covid-19 it is a great opportunity to get outdoors, enjoy nature andget some exercise for our physical and mental well being. Here are some tips to remember when you are gardening to help prevent injury… 1. Start by warming up your […]

Finding Routine Amidst Change


The past four weeks have caused dramatic changes to our usual lifestyle.  We are currently experiencing unprecedented circumstances, resulting in many of us being unemployed and the rest of us having to work from home.  As practitioners we are unable to assess and treat clients in the way that we usually do.  People are anxious […]

How to get the “Hands-on Approach” of a Physiotherapist at Home


When the world is switching to online communication to increase social distancing, how can you replace the hands-on treatment of physiotherapy? Most physiotherapy clinics across Canada have started using Telehealth, an online portal similar to Skype or Zoom that allows physiotherapists and their patients to be able to see each other. Over the internet the […]